10 years of work experience in Department of Anaesthesiology, Manipal Hospitals, Old Airport Road, Bangalore – 17. Manipal Hospitals is a NABH accredited tertiary care multispeciality hospital with 900 beds that run postgraduate residential programs in almost all departments including super speciality.
1 year of work experience in the Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, ILBS, New Delhi. ILBS is a Deemed to be University and a teaching institute recognized by GOI with several MCI recognized DM/ Mch courses in various specialities.
Designations held:
As a Registrar provided anaesthesia from simple to complicated surgeries of all ASA grades under supervision. Also, provided anaesthesia to various procedures in surgical oncology, surgical gastroenterology, ENT, obstetrics and gynaecology, urology, neurosurgery, orthopaedics, spine, airway surgeries and remote locations.
As a Specialist, managed minor to intermediate-risk procedures of ASA 1 to 3 independently and major surgeries/ ASA 4 & above under the intermittent supervision of senior consultants. Responsible for cases and reported to Consultants.
As an Associate consultant, independently managed and is responsible for all types of surgeries (ASA 1 to ASA 3). Managed high-risk procedures (ASA 4) under the guidance of senior consultants.
As a Consultant, independently managing and responsible for all types of surgeries and teaching students under the DNB (Diplomate of National Board) program.
Airway Procedures
Regional Blocks under USG | Nerve Stimulator
Invasive Procedures
Faculty in 4th International Update on Management of Pediatric Airway and Swallowing Disorders (Laryngo tracheal reconstruction surgeries) -Mar 2018.
a) Facilitated national and international delegates in a live workshop managing laryngo tracheal reconstruction surgeries.
Faculty in 2nd Manipal Comprehensive Critical Care Sonography Workshop (Hands-on experience in airway ultrasound) – Jan 2018.
a) Gave a 20-minute talk on airway ultrasound.
b) Facilitated a group of 60 delegates from all over the country.
c) Conducted a hands-on experience workshop in airway ultrasound and regional blocks.
Participated as a Resource person in CME and Workshop on CPCR Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University – Feb 2012.
a) A retrograde study conducted in Manipal hospital concluding spinal anaesthesia as a better option for fetoscopic procedures over general anaesthesia.
a) Comparison of TENS and intramuscular tramadol in labour analgesia National conference, Lucknow – 2010.
b) The study concluded TENS as a better mode of labour analgesia in the second stage of labour over intramuscular tramadol.